Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Faith and Reason

Directions: Your answer to these questions should be at least one paragraph long (6-7 sentences). When you reply to another student, you can reply to any student's answer to any one of these questions. You do not need to reply to another student's answer to all of these questions. Just reply to another student's answer to one question. Your reply to another student should be one paragraph (6-7 sentences) as well.

Post using the Anonymous Profile and be sure to type your Full Name in all posts. You will not receive credit for any posts without your Full Name.

Also, remember that if your posts are very long, you may need to break up your post into two or most posts. 

Last, remember to type your work first in a Word document before posting it and then copy and paste it to post it. If you have any trouble posting your answer to my questions or replying to another student, then print off your work and bring it as a hard copy to class the day it is due.

1. In our introduction to philosophy, one concept we talked about is the idea of a worldview.  Begin by defining the concept of a worldview.  After defining the concept of a worldview, explain whether you think that most people examine their worldviews today.  Why or why not?  End by addressing this point: if someone spends his or her entire life without examining his or her worldview, why might that be a bad thing?

2. After introducing you to the discipline of philosophy, I introduced you to the discipline of philosophy of religion – the subject of our class.  We have talked about a number of issues and questions asked in the philosophy of religion.  Start off by listing some of the issues and questions that you find interesting to think more about.  End by addressing this issue: from what you have learned thus far, why is the philosophy of religion relevant and important for people in today’s world?

3. In our discussion of Faith and Reason, we talked about fideism.  Start off by defining fideism.  On page 67 of our text Reason and Religious Belief, there is an objection raised to fideism.  This objection raised on page 67 involves a ‘person who is searching for faith’ and sees several alternatives they might adopt.  Explain this objection that arises on page 67 in your own words.  Do you think that this objection that our book raises is good?  Why or why not?  Next, think about this verse in the Bible: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reasons for the hope that you have" (I Peter 3:15).  What do you think that this verse is saying, and is it consistent with fideism?  End by addressing this point: do you think that fideism is a plausible attitude for religious people to adopt?  Why or why not?

4. Start off by explaining Clifford’s argument for the view that we need hard evidence from our senses or science for all of our beliefs.  After explaining Clifford’s argument, summarize the conclusion he draws from his position for the rationality of religious beliefs such as a belief in God’s existence.  End by assessing Clifford’s position.  Do you think that he has argued persuasively for it?  Why or why not?